I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at least mildly apprehensive about the next chapter of my BAPP studies but it's like anything, getting started is the hardest part. I have completely neglected this blog since the end of last term - I know it kind of defeats the object - but routine and structure have a big effect when it comes to my studies. The company season finished at the beginning of June alongside my BAPP work, which meant I had a long restful summer ahead. It was great, after a period of non-stop dancing, to have some time to relax and recuperate but I must admit I'm glad to be back into the swing of things again.
I began my first full season with Vienna Festival Ballet on the 8th of September, excited and eager to get stuck into rehearsals. I am delighted to have been cast in a principal role - although at only 20 I'm hoping I will do it justice. This does, however, leave me feeling somewhat worried about the time restraints of the course along side my largely increased workload, both in rehearsals and on tour. Of course, if there is a will, there is a way so i'm sure it will be possible and my tour bus journeys will be utilised to their fullest to complete my work. I don't know about any of you but having completed module One, I feel slightly more prepared and in the loop heading forward, perhaps it's because I have more understanding of the manner of the course or maybe it is just a confidence that comes from having survived a module already!
On Friday night I joined the 'welcome back' Skype group to discuss the next step and also looking back briefly on what we learnt last term. I live with Maddy who is also on the course so we both joined the Skype together! At first, we discussed the past module we had studied, looking at what we found worked well and also what changes we can take forward with us when continuing our studies. For me, I felt that using my time effectively was key when completing module one, as it is easy to be lulled into a full sense of security and then realise you are miles behind where you should be! We also talked about effectiveness of working with another course mate. Personally, this was a life saver throughout module 1, as working with Maddy helped me keep on track with where I needed to be and also gave me another perspective on the tasks resulting in a broader understanding of each topic. The next part of the session we discussed the upcoming module and what the end product should be. As I am beginning module 2 we talked about the idea of creating a proposition to present to the university of what we would do in module 3. This is by no means an end result and our ideas should evolve as we begin module 3 but the aim is to have an outline or idea of what our enquiry may entail.
At the end of the Skype chat, we each had to say what we felt we took away from the session. What stuck out to me was the conversation we had around creating group discussions with others on the course who are particularly interested in a similar field to you. With the nature of the degree being so broad and open to interpretation, it is a good idea to narrow your communications to people who are looking into the same areas as you. I find this a great idea and way of working as it helps you to find inspiration from others who are on the same page and share common interests.
This post is rather short but I am glad I have taken the first step towards beginning module 2. I hope you all had a lovely break and lets get cracking!!
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